Friday, July 31, 2009

Avocavo Oil, Olive Oil and Lavender Oil

Avocado oil has changed my life too. I use this to moisturize my face and hands. Its a natural sunscreen. Its not alot so I get a healthy amount of sunshine. I don't use sunblock because I haven't found anything that doesn't cause a reaction.

Using this along with the olive oil soap has made me the prettiest I've been since being a mother. The hormonal changes from my two pregnancies left my skin a real mess. I stopped using lotion when I saw the midwives in the hospital using olive oil on the new born babies. My midwife said that I should continue to use it on Jazz, but I could add Lavender essential oil for protection against diaper rash. Its also great against mosquitoes.

Even though the skin on my body was great, I didn't like the olive oil on my face. I was still using the Neutrogena Acne products. Now that my acne is gone, due to the olive oil soap, I don't need a medicated moisturizer. Olive oil takes longer to absorb into the skin than Avocado oil and it doesn't have any SPF. It doesn't smell pretty, but one can only smell it fresh out of the bottle.

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